Thursday 3 December 2009

Just to give an idea of scale

This is me in the middle of Chromatics
(I'm 5ft 2")

Tuesday 17 November 2009

Keep Fit 3 - More!

Photographs taken by my friend Susan :)

Friday 6 November 2009

Keep Fit 3

Renamed "The Dulux Paint Project"

So now introducing:
But I think it will always be the Dulux Paint Project in my heart :)
Here are some pictures from the exhibition :)

Monday 19 October 2009

Riverfront Exhibition

So I'm exhibiting my Dulux project at the show but in a different format to my assessment piece above.I'm going to place it on the floor in a circle so it's going to be an eight foot (approx) circle of Dulux strips each range making up one quarter of the circle, this is my idea for now it may change when I set up but I think each range needs to stay defined to keep it strong and defined.

Sunday 28 June 2009

Officially Passed

I have a letter the other day informing me I have officially passed my 2nd year of uni, all my marks have been verified by the exam board they are official now :) So that's good to know.
On that note I have been sent a new partial brief from uni to work on over the summer for our next project (FA5) it reads
"The emphasis ,therefore, this term is on experimental and sequential work and you will see when you get the official brief that there is less importance attached to finished work and more attention paid to trying things out.  At the end of the session we would rather see a whole series of experimental (partially resolved) pieces that indicate a pathway for future practice, rather than a finished piece of work that leaves you in February with the difficulty of starting all over again.  Continuity from one semester to the next will be the key to success this year."
So with sequential and experimental work in demand for this project I may do more Dulux Paint Project work.It's worked for me so far and I think that it has far more places to go than just strips of MDF.I wouldn't mind doing something on metal or as a more 3D piece than something which was flat.
So plans for the summer: Art and Wii Fit!
Watch this space this may last longer than one semester!

Thursday 11 June 2009

June 11th

Happy Birthday too me
Dulux please get back to me
Happy Birthday Dear Meeeee
Happy Birthday to me

I'm 22 now and in 3 months time I will be in the final year of my degree.

Friday 29 May 2009

Essay Mark

I got a B13 for my essay on Freud aswell (shockingly I was expecting a B11 or something!)
So a 2:1 grade average :D
I like B13's 

Tuesday 26 May 2009

And the results are in!

I got a B13 grade which is the top grade in the 2:1 degree bracket.
Out of all the 5 assessment criterias I had 1 A14,2 B13's and 2 B12's which averages into the B13 mark.
I am very pleased :D (just wish it was a A14 haha)
Thanks to everyone who helped get me here I really appreciate the time,money and help I have been given and I love all the good luck messages and comments I have recieved either on Facebook or ebay.
Special thank you's to Emma and Nadean from Dulux/Akzonobel who have been so helpful and supportive with my project I hope you are both pleased with the final piece and my result.
Greatest thanks my parents who I couldn't do anything without.My Dad has driven me around taking my work to uni and bringing it home and my Mam has always been the best person to listen to me when I'm about to fall apart.I bought them flowers today :D

Monday 25 May 2009

Results Tomorrow

Fingers crossed everyone!
I'm so anxious... eeek!

Thursday 21 May 2009

No Results yet!

Going slightly stir crazy I really want to find out my results for my project but because of the 3rd years having changes to their timetable (*shakes fist*) we have had a delay in getting our results.So fingers crossed I will get them on Tuesday because I was meant to get them yesterday (Wednesday 20th).Hopefully I will get an awesome grade which will make it worth the 50+ hours of painting tiny rectangles and all the time taken to raise the money then to negotiate getting the paint delivered and then cutting and priming the mdf, plus all the sketchbook development work and research.
Anyway despite this I had another lovely email from Emma who has shown her area manager my blog and her area manager has passed on my blog address to people at Head Office and apparently they are very interested in my project and may want some details from me about it.
So hello to anyone who works at Dulux/Akzonobel who has been given my blog address recently and thank you for looking I really appreciate it and I hope you like my attempt at mixing your colours.

I just hope the interest isn't the beginning of proceedings to sue me for copyright! :/

Friday 15 May 2009

It's gone

I took my work down earlier today the corridor looks so bare :(
Was really good being able to leave it up for the week though given me some exposure for my work and hopefully some people have been checking out my blog for it and enjoying some colour on a very boring grey wall whilst they are sat in the computer suites working or walking past.
Results next week so watch this space for my grade.
Finger and toes crossed for me please!

Monday 11 May 2009


Did my assessment today.
I think it went well lecturers seemed to like my work and didn't seem to give me any major criticism and asked lots of nice questions and things like that.
So feedback next week when I find out my mark.Fingers crossed
My work is staying up for the whole week so lots of exposure and hello to anyone whose come across my blog since it's been up.

Sunday 10 May 2009


Assessment tomorrow.
Wish me luck!
Slightly scared but fingers and toes crossed it will be fine.

Friday 8 May 2009


Ready for assessment on Monday now.


I have four of these one for each range,this is before I painted them white for display though.
Really simple a piece of 44x44mm wood with an angled slot sawn into it,glued and screwed onto a base of 20 cm MDf to make it more stable.The strips will slot into the groove and will lean against the wall.

Dulux Dreams

So I made my stands today they look awesome.
Thank you to Matt for taking apart the one saw in the workshop so we could make them :D I wasn't expecting it to be that complicated but turns out machines need to be taken apart but they were pretty simple apart from that.Will take a photo of them tomorrow to show you all how simple and elegant they are :)
So I now have 4 stands, they need to be painted tomorrow.
I still have half the sides of my strips to paint white which is taking far too long for my liking.
My Dad is coming to pick me up from my house tomorrow afternoon to take it all to uni so I can install it.
Assessment is on Monday morning 9.30am :/ ouch.T minus 3 days.
I'm having an early night I'm going to get up early and paint sides until my Dad comes and picks me up fingers crossed I will get the vast majority done before he comes!
Stressed?A little bit.
Night Night People Sweet Dulux Dreams x

Thursday 7 May 2009

Tidying Up

So I bought wood today to make my stand so estates will be happy that my work will be nice and safe and secure, so will be spending tomorrow in the workshop making that :)
I spent some of tonight tidying up the edges of my strips because most of the sides have some bare mdf showing so just been filling them in white.Still got quite a few left to do but hopefully will get my stand made then come home and finish them tomorrow.
Also handing in my essay tomorrow.
Tomorrow will be a busy day!

Tuesday 5 May 2009


Here are the complete sets
Rich,Fresh,Warm and Calm.
Minus 2 colours which are at home.Opps


So I'm not cutting off the bottom section of each strip.
I think it would ruin them in some way as they are a kind of handle because these are not just paintings, I class them as an installation and I see them as objects rather than something to be hung on a wall and left alone. Plus I know this is slightly disgusting but they do look like dip sticks which are used in medicine to test urine samples.So that's my reference for the blank area at the bottom.

Monday 4 May 2009


I also finished all the strips today!
Awesome!My back is killing I did 6 strips today.
I just need to fill in the gaps now where I had missing paint but my back is hurting to much.

Did the two strips I was missing from the Rich and Fresh ranges.

Finished Calm!

I finished Calm!Yay!
So now I've got 2 strips left because I didn't do all the Neutrals for Rich and Fresh so I need to do those then onto my randoms!
Here's todays work so far :)

Bank Holiday Weekend

So no work all weekend because I went to stay at my boyfriends Saturday night then it was my Mam's birthday yesterday so went home and went for a meal with my parents so I was approximately 10 miles from my work all weekend opps!
But anyway I have 6 strips left to paint so watch this space for how many I get done today!
It's Bank Holiday Monday and I'm working!

Friday 1 May 2009

The End is Nigh

Up to Calm Greens now :) 6 more strips left to do!


My last few strips needed extra priming so I did that earlier.

Thursday 30 April 2009

8 Strips Left

I'm also missing the swatch card for Calm Yellow 2.So just ordered that from Dulux.
But here's todays work.I figured out that I only have 8 more strips left to paint plus my randoms and I will be done.So another 3 or 4 days if I do 3 strips a day plus a random day I should be done.

14 Colours Today

Mines a tea, milk and two sugars thanks.


I think the "Calm" range should be renamed the "Brown" range because all I have painted so far are various shades and hues of brown!Can't wait to get onto the greens for change!
I have 9 strips left to paint plus my randoms.
Should be done pretty soon!
I'm up to Calm Gold 1 "Roman Stone"

Wednesday 29 April 2009

So Far, So Dulux

So this is all the work I've done over the past couple of days in between essay reading and writing.


Finished the warm Neutrals and I'm onto the "Calm" range now.
Up to Calm Red 5 "Blush Noisette"
My back is killing I'm going to have a cup of tea and relax :D


I'm up to the Warm Neutrals now!Yay! Had some interesting news yesterday.I was late for uni (oppppps!sorry!slept late I always go on time promise just didn't get up probably because of catching up from sleep from the other night when I was woken up and couldn't get back to sleep) I texted my friend from my course and she said our technician Kim wanted to see me because Estates had some questions about my work and and display which I have applied to do.Anyway after absolutly crapping myself that it was going to be a massive "NO!" from estates I went to uni and saw Kim and she said that Estates are worried about my work falling/being knocked over because they have to worry about health and safety because where I am putting it is quite a busy area.She also said that they had asked if I wanted to hang my work on the wall.A bit weird really because I asked specifically to lean it because I thought if I applied to hang it they would say no because of damaging the wall and then they ask if I want to!lol Anyway I told Kim I was planning on making a stand for them and that they would be secure and be made as stable and safe as possible.Kim said she would tell estates this and so fingers crossed that I will get approval and be able to exhibit there!
I love you Estates!

Monday 27 April 2009

Painting Day!

So I had about 5 hours sleep last night got woken up at 3am by my housemates (thanks guys!)I then stayed awake until gone 6am which sucks but anyway.
I'm up to over 3,000 words with my essay and I'm painting today currently on "Inky Pool" Warm Blue 1 so going to try and finish the warms today or at least get 3 strips done.

Sunday 26 April 2009

Essay No Painting :(

Essay reading and writing again today!
Up to over 2,500 words now only 1,000 left to go!
Think I'm going to paint tomorrow!

Saturday 25 April 2009

No Painting Again

I'm reading/writing more essay today.
I'm up to over 2,067 out of 3,500 words including quotes
I have a 10% margin so I can go to 3,250 (not including quotes) and thats enough.Fingers crossed I can read and write and paint enough for my deadlines!

Friday 24 April 2009

Warm Colours

I'm missing the card for Warm Green 6 which is "Amazon Jungle" just ordered it from the Dulux website so I'll be able to fill the gap at the bottom of the green strip soon!
So here we are warm colours so far!


Todays painting soundtrack is Coheed and Cambria mainly because of watching this.
Shane Ackers "Nine"
Watch the short and the trailer!It is amazing and i really want to go see it now!
Sometimes I wish I was an animator because I love Pixar and CG animation.
My desktop background is of "Nine" now.
I'm up to Warm Yellow 5 by the way :)

Lacking Photos :/

So no photos yesterday sorry!Camera batteries decided to die and I couldn't find my mains plug for it :/
Oh well Painting again today so I'll find my plug and take more photos promise promise promise!
Up to "Dutch Gold" Warm Gold 6 :D

Thursday 23 April 2009

"Autumn Fern"

Done up to and including Warm Orange 6.
So done 6 cards today because I'm missing Burnt Autumn :/
Going to do 3 more cards take some photos call it a day and do some essay reading.


I handed in my application to Estates to display my work in the corridor yesterday.
Lots of fingers and toes crossed!I put my blog address on my application because Simon Fenoulhet said it would be a good idea because I have lots of images and reports of progress on here.So...
Hello Paul Davies if you are reading this!
(Head of estates so I'm obviously sucking up right now!)
On with the painting today I'm on Warm Red 6 currently only about 100 cards left to go!(Plus my odd missing ones)

Monday 20 April 2009

All together!

So this is everything in one photo!

Thursday 16 April 2009

End of todayyyyy

Up to Rich Violet 6 :D Missing Rich Blue 3 though oh dear :(

Blue Blue Blue

I'm up to Rich Blue 2 I'm missing Rich Blue 3.But so far so good!Buttttt!
I've run out of primed wood!
I've got some drying now in my Dad's shed but I don't think I'll be doing much more today.
Essay reading then... :(

Wednesday 15 April 2009

No Painting today

I had a day reading books about Sigmund Freud for my essay.I've written 1,436 words for my essay so far so about 2,000 left to go.
So no painting updates or photos today sorry but it's painting day tomorrow so keep an eye out!

Tuesday 14 April 2009

End of today

So I'm up to Rich Green 6 just Rich Greens 7,8 and then the blues,violets and neutrals left to do in the "Rich" range then onto the "Warm"!